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Bunkered is a post-apocalyptic game, where the player is left with limited power and needs to conserve energy to survive.

Screenshot 2022-06-15 224146.png
Screenshot 2022-06-15 224157.png

The game makes use of an interaction system along with highlighting objects that you can interact with.

The objects are interactable when you turn on the generator.

Interacting uses one script to work with the generator so there are less scripts and it keeps our project organized.

Zombie Shooter

This is a personal project where i am making a zombie shooter.

This project i created because i wanted to implement things i have not done before. for example having a working updating UI like a scoreboard and keeping it efficient.

using raycasts to show UI elements, based on what object you are looking at, so having one script to display UI.

I am using ScriptableObjects to make the game more efficient and less data consuming.

Maze Game

This was a project for making a maze generator which is random every time you play the game.

Example of one of the possible mazes that can be generated.

In the maze there can spawn enemies, items and ammo. The objesctive is to get through the maze as quickly as possible.

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